
Sarah Silverman for Barack Obama


Vote Early Rock Late

[via Mrk Nchls]

Barock the Vote

[via Obama08]

Flag Poster

[via thillythenny]


How the Markets Really Work

Obama Lincoln by Ron English

[via Popaganda]


Sarah Palin Paintings by Zina Saunders

[via Drawger]


Sarah Palin Pancakes


Barak Skywalker


Obama Kicks by Jim Lasser

Last weekend, Wieden+Kennedy hosted an art show at which these very hipster Obama sneakers were unveiled. The work of an art director at that agency, the shoes are intended to be used as makeshift printer blocks that you can ink and press to paper. Even the event poster is, as they say, "fly."

[via Peachfuzz, Hypebeast, & HighSnobiety]


Hope by El Mac

Things are looking a little bleak right now on the campaign trail for Sen. Obama. Here's a little bit of hope, from back in those innocent days of the primary. Remember hope?
[poster via Complex + El Mac's site]

Political Action Figures

While the world wants Obama, at home PalinPalooza 08 is drawing in more crowds than ever to the once-moribund McCain campaign. And to celebrate her newfound superpowers, a company in Mother England has begun selling Sarah Palin action figures, in addition to Obama and McCain dolls, and inexplicably an Elliot Spitzer doll. Sadly, they have yet to mold a Biden doll. I find the Palin Schoolgirl figure particularly ironic given the whole "high school age daughter got pregnant" thing.



Obama 45 / McCain 48

Real Clear Politics takes an average of multiple polls and finds that Obama is down by about 3 points. And Drudge asks, "Can he get his groove back?"

Not that daily tracking polls actually predict the winner. But I'm on the edge of my seat.

Manifest Hope Online Competition

Manifest Hope ran an online art competition, and these are some of the winners and finalists. See them all here. I'll be posting some pix from the Denver gallery soon.

Illustrated Obama

[source unknown - please comment if you know who created this]
[update: found the source for this, via the Manifest Hope contest - artist is Ken Jacobsen]


Politics & Culture

I've got my first mention in another blog, via good friend Kristi Vandenbosch at Politics & Culture.

In it, Kristi eloquently explores the meaning and value of political art. And does it far more intelligently than I could. Frankly, I hadn't thought much about the "meaning and value of political art." It just kind of seemed cool, and a timely and fascinating subject for a blog.

But the truth is, political art shouldn't be expected to sway opinions. It's a means of cheerleading, provocation, sometimes even satire or outright mockery. It can educate... maybe. Mostly, it reinforces a person's core beliefs about a candidate or issue. Obama as a figure of hope. Palin as a symbol of empowerment.

What I find most interesting is that political art, by its very nature, expresses the passion and emotional involvement not just of the artist, but of the vast public the artist represents who do not have the means, skills, or voice to express themselves. Unlike other forms of art, which are often personally expressive, political art is always socially expressive.


Frau Palin

Sorry, couldn't resist. [via Gawker]

Obama 47 / McCain 45

According to Gallup, the race is now too close to call.

McCainiac Button

I intend to post some work that's overtly satirical or critical of both major candidates, but I'd also like to post some art that's actually in support of McCain (just to be slightly "fair and balanced"). So far, I haven't found much, and I'll leave it to you to judge what that means. But here's a button that I thought was cleverly designed.

Glitter Obama by Aaron Sinift

[Greta_Byrum's flickr photostream]

Cambio! by The Date Farmers

[via Upper Playground]


McCain-Palin Evolution Poster

oh they'd surely hate this. [via adfreak.]

Latest Tracking Polls

Fivethirtyeight has this insightful article on the latest tracking polls, and puts Obama's overall lead on McCain at +2 points.

Big Brobama by xtrapop

makes a nice desktop background
[xtrapop's flickr photostream]

Retro Work by xtrapop

[xtrapop's flickr photostream]

Obama Illustrated by Vivache

[vivache's flickr photostream]

Obama Street Poster by Richard Rodriguez

[see more by this artist at everyonesinlovewithyou.com]

Late 60's Style Retro Poster

Idiots for McCain


Hope by Shepard Fairey

Progress by Shepard Fairey

the original

I have to start at the beginning, with the poster that started this movement of artful campaign propaganda. Back in January, Shepard Fairey (famous for his OBEY GIANT imagery) created 2 iconic, limited edition posters of Barack Obama.



the 2008 election has been an incredible campaign for so many reasons. but something I've noticed, and many others have as well, is how interesting and unique the campaign artwork has been. and though there have been a number of individual blog posts that showcase the art of the campaign, there isn't to my knowledge any single blog that's actually devoted to it.

until now. the moment you've been waiting for. which you're probably reading well after I've posted this.

please join me as I explore the various ways the two sides are using art and design to get their message across and sell their respective candidates. I'll be cataloging poster art, gallery art, stickers, buttons, yard signs, and anything else that catches my eye. please feel free to contribute your own links and pictures by emailing me or adding your comments.

I also plan to post links to political stories that interest me, and maybe a few other things as well. but the initial intent is really to focus on the art of the election. it's going to be a really fascinating and entertaining season.